Halo Eco Smart CCTV Towers are keeping UK businesses safe during lockdown.
An army of Halo Eco Smart CCTV Towers have been deployed to compounds and sites across the UK.
The Halo Eco Smart CCTV Towers, equipped with SMART analytical software, are capable of detecting intruders up to a 1km from their placing – even in the dead of night.
This innovative technology is able to determine the difference between human intruders, animals, and stray objects – and so, eliminates false alarms by up to 95%.
They are monitored by Red CCTV’s in-house team of security experts and mean sites remain protected even when they appear to be deserted.
Red CCTV Managing Director Rob Kennedy, said: “The Halo Eco Smart CCTV Eco Towers allow us to secure sites without needing the physical presence of guards.
“This saves money and, in times such as these with a national lockdown in place, it helps to reduce the need for people to make unnecessary trips.
“The Towers operate around the clock, they do not require lunch or comfort breaks, and they are able to cover vast areas continually.
“Crucially, the towers contain 360 degrees, high definition, full colour cameras and PTZ technology which allows us to see the whole picture, not just the area immediately in front of them.
“Our innovative power fuel options include hybrid, fuel cell, wind turbine and solar options which reduce, or eradicate CO2 emissions, and fuel costs.
“The Towers are erected in minutes and the system can be equipped with ANPR technology to ensure sites are protected 24/7.”
The Halo Eco Smart CCTV Tower is the UK’s first fully modular CCTV System, with each piece of the tower weighing under 25kgs and capable of being assembled in minutes by a single operative.
The Halo Eco Smart CCTV Tower is capable of providing CCTV security coverage to remote sites whilst the Halo Compact can be installed where space is tight in city centres or smaller compounds.
Red CCTV has launched a Winter bundle deal to help businesses cope with the demands of lockdown, offering the Halo Ecc Smart Tower with a Halo Shield Pod Lite from just £350-per-week.
The Halo Shield Pod Lite is a body temperature measuring system designed to test visitors to the site for potential symptoms of Covid-19.
Anyone entering the site showing an elevated temperature can be identified and isolated to create safe working bubbles within.
* To learn more about the Halo Eco CCTV Tower, Halo Shield Systems or the Bundle Option get in touch with the team today via this link.
* To learn more about Red CCTV, their products or services click this link
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